
MAMS Digital SISO System

MAMS Digital Sign-in/out System


Charles Tang, Tarun Eswar, David Barsoum

The previous sign-in system at Mass Academy was very mechanical and time-consuming. We developed this project to improve the efficiency and technology related to the sign-in and sign-out methods. This full-stack end-to-end digital sign-in/out system uses face recognition technologies, C++/Python scripts, SQL databases, ReactJS web portal, NodeJS backend, and a Raspberry Pi device for interacting with RFID tags and facial recognition. Worked with 100+ beta-testers and the WPI IT department for complete integration and testing.

[Link] [Slides] [Poster] [Whitepaper]

Cooking Every National Dish

Cooking Every National Dish Food Blog


My senior project at Mass Academy is to spend at least 100 hours to become more skillful at cooking and experienced with various cultures and flavors around the globe. From learning different cooking tools to playing around with different spice combinations, I will embark on a journey across the world while staying in the vicinity of my kitchen.

[Food Blog]

Pantry Access

Pantry Access App


Charles Tang, Jennifer Schaughnessy, Sumanth Sura

Pantry Access is a universal food pantry application for food pantries and clients. Using ReactJS, Material-UI, and Firebase Authentication and Firestore servers, we built a web application that streamlines communication between clients and pantries, as well as provide a single cloud-based location to manage inventory and donations desired. Developed during Mass Academy's Apps for Good project.

[Link] [GitHub] [Poster]

Aim Game

Aim Game


An aim game using Java Swing graphical user interface developed for the AP Computer Science A Final Project assignment. Allows users to customize the difficulty of the game level as well as progression in difficulty over time.


Multipurpose Discord Bot



A multipurpose discord bot with a monetary system, user name storage system, and a schedule update system developed with the Python API. Used json storage and webscraping techniques.


Course Notes

Miscellaneous Course Notes


Over the past years, I created a set of notes covering various subjects in higher mathematics using the LaTeX typesetting system. The notes include definitions, theorems, graphics, and example problems from the courses I have taken. The following work is copyrighted by CC-BY-NC-ND.

[AP Calculus BC]

[Ordinary Differential Equations]