
HiMCM 2023

HiMCM Competition [2023]

Charles Tang, Ashwina Bangari, David Barsoum, Nicole Plotnik

Mathematical modeling paper written during the 2023-24 High School Mathematical Contest in Modeling (HiMCM). Modeled the spread of dandelion populations and the impact of invasive species. Awaiting judging results.


Easy-A x VeChain Hackathon

Easy-A x VeChain Hackathon [2023]

Charles Tang, Win Tongtawee, Aryan Malik, Adam Belfki

Developed dApp on VeChainThor (EVM-Compatible) blockchain for streamlining data transfer protocols between health insurance companies and clients. Used Solidity to write custom smart contracts and ReactJS for web app.

[Slides] [GitHub] [Business Plan]

IM2C 2023

IM2C Math Modeling Challenge [2023]

Charles Tang, Ashwina Bangari, David Barsoum, Nicole Plotnik

Mathematical modeling paper written during the invite-only 2023 International Math Modeling Challenge (IM2C). Modeled the optimal business use of a plot of land in Syracuse, NY. Received the USA Regional Oustanding Award (1st/216 USA teams) and International Meritorious Award (Top 8/1000+ international teams).

[Paper] [USA Results] [International Results]

M3 Mathworks Challenge

M3 Mathworks Math Modeling Challenge [2023]

Charles Tang, Ashwina Bangari, David Barsoum, Nicole Plotnik, Shreya Venkayala

Mathematical modeling paper written during the 2023 M3 Mathworks Math Modeling Challenge. Modeled the growth, causes, and impact of electric bicycles in the United States and the United Kingdom. Reached the second round of judging and placed within the top 25% of all participants.


HiMCM 2022

HiMCM Competition [2022]

Charles Tang, Ashwina Bangari, David Barsoum, Nicole Plotnik

Mathematical modeling paper written during the 2022-23 High School Mathematical Contest in Modeling (HiMCM). Modeled the causes and impact of colony collapse disorder on honeybee populations. Received Finalist Award as the top 6% of all contestants for an exemplary paper.

[Paper] [Certificate]

Build A CubeSat Challenge

Build A CubeSat Challenge [2022]

With the GonkBots Team at Algonquin Regional High School, I participated in the Build A CubeSat Challenge in partnership with BWSI and AIAA. This challenge was to build a small satellite using a Raspberry Pi and CubeSat technologies that could detect plastic in the ocean using image processing and signaling processes.

[Design Review] [Final Presentation]

Wharton Global Youth Investment Competition

Wharton Global Youth Investment Competition [2020]

Charles Tang, William Wu, Michelle Zhang, Andrew Zhou, Emily Zhou

Investment portolio paper written during the 2020 Wharton Global Youth Investment Program. Developed a portfolio for a client and used fundamental and technical analysis to pitch our stock choices for both long-term and short-term returns.


Olympiads + Other Competitions

EasyA x vechain Hackathon - 2023

Purple Comet! Math Meet (Honorable Mention - 27th out of 1100 teams) - 2023

AAPT Physics Bowl High School Top Scorer (Placed 4th/50 from Mass Academy) - 2023

Southern Junior Science and Humanities Symposium (JSHS) Poster Presenter - 2023

American Computer Science League (ACSL) Senior Division - 2023

Cyberpatriot National Cyber Defense Competition (Platinum Division) - 2022

Massachusetts State Science Olympiad Gravity Vehicle (2nd Place) - 2022

American Invitational Mathematics Exam (AIME) - 2022

Massachusetts Math League Level 2 Exam (MAML 2) - 2022

USA Coding Olympiad Silver Division (USACO) - 2021